The Disciplined

Listening Method

If you aren’t listening, you aren’t learning.





In his book, “The Disciplined Listening Method”, Michael Reddington, CFI shares his methodology for unlocking the hidden value buried in all our personal and business conversations. The skills, perspectives and techniques he shares are designed to increase our understanding of ourselves, our appreciation for others rich experiences, and our ability to create new opportunities in our business and personal lives.



Michael Reddington, CFI is an expert at moving people from resistance to commitment. He is an executive resource, President of InQuasive, Inc., and the developer of the Disciplined Listening Method.

Growing up in New England, Michael wanted to be a special education teacher and baseball coach—although he had no idea interview and interrogation techniques would later become the foundation of his educational programs. He did both for a short time before being enticed by the financial industry, where he lasted two years, one month, and two days before returning to college to earn his business degree.

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A twist of fate led Michael to his first investigations job while he was completing his degree, and what began as an opportunity to pay the bills has since morphed into a completely unexpected career. Michael was quickly promoted into a management role, and after successfully resolving several investigations early in his tenure, Michael was enrolled in his first Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates (WZ) non-confrontational interview and interrogation techniques training course. During the course the clouds parted, the sun burst through, a rainbow appeared, and Michael knew exactly what he wanted his focus to be.

He continued to take on additional investigative responsibilities and attained several promotions. Michael’s success in the interrogation room fostered his fascination with why people choose to share sensitive information in the face of consequences. He attended additional training programs and earned his Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) designation—the highest available professional designation in his field. Recruited shortly after by Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates to join their staff of investigators and trainers, he spent a decade working for WZ, running their investigations division, developing new content, and traveling the world teaching investigators how to apply rapport-based interrogation techniques.

In his investigations role, Michael conducted and managed a wide variety of interrogations across the public and private sector. He created and taught seminars for law enforcement personnel, federal investigators, private sector investigators, and human resource professionals around the world. For this work, Michael received the Homeland Security Outstanding Contributions Award in 2011.

During this time, Michael had the opportunity to start teaching CEOs how to apply interrogation techniques in their business conversations. These training programs quickly opened Michael’s eyes to the similarities his executive clients’ negotiations, leadership conversations, and sales conversations shared with his interviews and interrogations. As a result, Michael dove into research from across the world of business communications and arrived at two important realizations. First, the best leaders and the best interrogators capitalize on the same two core skills: Vision and Influence. Second, the cognitive process that leads customers to commit to saying, “I’ll buy it,” employees to commit to saying, “I’ll do it,” and interrogation suspects to truthfully commit to saying, “I did it,” are essentially identical.

Michael realized he could teach executives how to reduce missed opportunities and increase commitments to action. He founded InQuasive, Inc. and created the Disciplined Listening Method by integrating research and best practices from the worlds of business communications and investigative interviewing. The resulting educational content represents a new and in-depth approach to applying strategic, ethical observation and persuasion techniques across the full spectrum of business conversations.

Michael has been invited by companies, universities, government agencies, and executive groups to facilitate his seminars and presentations across North America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. He has led thousands of programs and educated tens of thousands of participants from over fifty countries on how to activate the truth in the areas of leadership communication, sales, negotiation, conflict resolution, customer service, candidate interviews, family conversations, and influential instruction. Michael is also a frequent guest contributor for various media outlets and podcasts.

Michael goes well beyond facilitating and advising. He applies customized content specifically designed to meet the needs of each participant with a humorous and intelligent delivery style. His diligent preparation, attention to each participant’s concerns, and added context coalesce to drive home the learning objectives. It’s never just a presentation, seminar, or advisory session—it’s always an experience.

Michael is excited to raise his son, Gabriel, with his wife, Brooke, and continue to inspire people to evolve their communication approaches and embrace the rewards.



Michael Reddington, CFI is an expert at moving people from resistance to commitment. He is an executive resource, President of InQuasive, Inc., and the developer of the Disciplined Listening Method.

Growing up in New England, Michael wanted to be a special education teacher and baseball coach—although he had no idea interview and interrogation techniques would later become the foundation of his educational programs. He did both for a short time before being enticed by the financial industry, where he lasted two years, one month, and two days before returning to college to earn his business degree.


“People interpret how we communicate with them as proof of how much we respect them.”


“One of the most talented presenters I have witnessed in person, Michael Reddington translates his gift into words with The Disciplined Listening Method, providing credible conversation techniques we can all implement. Leaders get paid by the conversation, and after reading this book, you won’t see or hear conversations the same way again.”



Jeff Dudan

“A must read for leaders. Mike shows you the importance of listening to what is said and, equally important, what is not said. It shows you the need to observe and learn more about human communication. There’s plenty of empirical evidence that allows the reader to move from theory into action. Invaluable for leaders who want to lead with vision and influence.”

Anastasios Economou

“Michael’s unique perception allows him to deftly apply investigative com- munication techniques to business and personal conversations in a manner that generates remarkable results. Since attending his seminars, I’ve applied Michael’s techniques in my business, personal, and political conversations. I’m impressed with how he has outlined his approach in such depth in this book. The Disciplined Listening Method provides readers with a conversational approach that will open their eyes and ears to the opportunities they’ve been missing.”

Padraig O Ceidigh


13 Chapters

402 Pages

In chapter four, Michael Reddington, CFI highlights the dangers that arise when we focus on catching people lying, educates readers on what they are truly observing, and illustrates techniques for overcoming the common myths associated with deception detection.


Michael created the Disciplined Listening Method by integrating current business communication research & best practices with non-confrontational interview and interrogation techniques.  Michael has led over 1,500 programs & educated over 15,000 attendees from over 50 countries.

Hours on stage


Attendees' Countries



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“I first met Michael Reddington when I attended a seminar he was facilitating. I was fascinated by his perspectives and techniques, and how they could be applied to my role as CEO. With this book, Michael elevates his material and expertly integrates his interrogation techniques with business research and best practices to provide a broader audience access to clear advantages in business and personal communications.”

Neville Crawley


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“Michael Reddington is a master of human interaction. He is one of the few guests who has an open invitation to join my show anytime because of his depth of knowledge, relatable style, enlightening stories and because I learn so much from him every time. With this book Michael generously shares the depth of his research and knowledge to provide readers with powerful tools for navigating a wide range of business and personal conversations.”

Kwame Christian Esq., M.A


[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem admin_label=”Will” button_url_new_window=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16.0″ _module_preset=”default” body_text_color=”#2C3B44″ body_font_size=”16px” body_line_height=”1.5em” background_enable_color=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”]

“In a world where social media encourages an abundance of noise, the ability to listen has shifted from a commodity to an asset. Michael’s book gives its readers a framework to leverage the asset of Disciplined Listening and use it to close sales and build relationships.”

Will Barron


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“I first met Mike Reddington as an investigator after a large diamond theft. I originally thought his main skill was uncovering lies, but it turns out that his deepest talent is in discovering truths. Learning how to listen is one of the most important skills that any of us can ever learn. This book will help you on that path. [This book helped me on that path.]”
Hampden Watch Company

Joseph Wein


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“If you ever wanted to read someone’s mind, read this book! So much great advice and so many great stories, you won’t regret it.”

Simon Horton


[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem admin_label=”Nooruddin” button_url_new_window=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16.0″ _module_preset=”default” body_text_color=”#2C3B44″ body_font_size=”16px” body_line_height=”1.5em” background_enable_color=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”]

“Michael is a gem; thoughtful person with no ego. He’s an outstanding teacher on two extremely difficult subjects: speaking with the receiver front and center (focusing on what’s being heard rather than what you say) and listening without your inner voice and ego in the way. His writing reflects his outlier talent remarkably well. And of course, getting him in person provides truly fantastic insights. In The Disciplined Listening Method, Michael teaches extremely eloquently. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to take their communications, and relationships, to a place where you will treasure your relationships and feel very accomplished.”

Nooruddin (Rudy) Karsan




For great listeners, the value of learning and achieving something new outweighs the risks associated with feeling vulnerable.

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