Meet Michael Reddington


Michael Reddington is an expert at moving people from resistance to commitment. He is an executive resource, Certified Forensic Interviewer, President of InQuasive, Inc., and author of The Disciplined Listening Method. Michael’s public speaking career began in his teenage years as he travelled around New England educating audiences on the benefits of including students with, and without, disabilities in the same classrooms. His speaking endeavors simmered for several years as he facilitated training courses for investigators at the organizations where he was employed.

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Michael’s ascent as an influential instructor was supercharged when he was recruited to join Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates (WZ). His time at WZ proved to be the capstone of Michael’s investigative career. In addition to running WZ’s investigations division and serving as a contract interrogator Michael travelled the world teaching federal investigators, law enforcement officers, private sector investigators and human resource professionals how to obtain the truth with non-confrontational interrogation techniques.

While working for WZ Michael’s research and experience led him to two critical realizations. First, the best leaders and the best interrogators capitalize on the same two core skills – vision and influence. Second, the cognitive processes that lead interrogation suspects to truthfully state “I did it”, employees to say “I’ll do it” and customers to say “I’ll buy it” are essentially identical. These realizations motivated Michael to broaden his perspective and create The Disciplined Listening Method by integrating research and best practices from across the spectrum of business communication with non-confrontational interrogation techniques. With his methodology in place Michael transitioned away from WZ, founded InQuasive and dedicated himself to teaching executives how to activate the truth by applying strategic, ethical observation and persuasion techniques.

Michael has facilitated over 1,500 sessions and educated over 15,000 participants from over 50 countries. He has been invited to lead his sessions across the United States, Canada, Ireland, The United Kingdom, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Michael consistently facilitates custom seminars and workshops for companies ranging from the Fortune 500, to mid-size businesses. He frequently serves as an educational resource for CEO peer networks including the Young Presidents Organization, Vistage and The Renaissance Executive Forum. Michael often speaks at conferences for groups including the National Retail Federation, The Society of Human Resource Management, The Association of Talent Development and beyond. He also leads programs for Universities including The Kellogg School of Management, The Harvard Extension School, Cornell and the DePaul Legal Clinic.

On stage Michael leverages his interrogation expertise, business experience and vast content library to deliver customized, engaging and educational programs with the goals of solving real problems in real time. He understands that the more he resonates with an audience, they quicker they will be able to apply the techniques they learn. With Michael, it is never a workshop or keynote presentation, it is always an experience.


Certified Forensic Interviewer

As a Certified Forensic Interviewer, Michael Reddington achieved the highest professional designation available in the field of interview and interrogation and spent over a decade training investigators around the world on the successful application of non-confrontational interview and interrogation techniques.

Executive Resource

Michael has led over 1,500 programs & educated over 15,000 attendees from over 50 countries. He created the Disciplined Listening Method by integrating current business communication research and best practices with non-confrontational interview and interrogation techniques. The resulting training programs provide executives with the skills, techniques and perspectives necessary to activate the truth.


In his book, “The Disciplined Listening Method”, Michael Reddington, CFI shares his methodology for unlocking the hidden value buried in all our personal and business conversations. The skills, perspectives and techniques he shares are designed to increase our understanding of ourselves, our appreciation for others rich experiences, and our ability to create new opportunities in our business and personal lives.

Certified Forensic Interviewer

Michael Reddington, CFI is an expert at moving people from resistance to commitment. As a Certified Forensic Interviewer he achieved the highest professional designation available in the field of interview and interrogation and spent over a decade training investigators around the world on the successful application of non-confrontational interview and interrogation techniques. Never one to be satisfied with his achievements, Michael arrived at two key realizations while expanding his observation and persuasive skill sets. First, the very best leaders and the very best interrogators capitalize on the same two core skills – vision and influence. Second, the cognitive processes that lead customers to commit to saying “I’ll buy it”, employees to commit to saying “I’ll do it” and suspects to commit to truthfully saying “I did it” are all nearly identical. These realizations caused Michael to recognize he could teach executives how to reduce missed opportunities and increase commitments to action. As a result, he developed the Disciplined Listening Method, transitioned to serving as an executive resource and founded InQuasive, Inc.

Executive Resource

Michael has been invited by companies, government agencies and executive groups to facilitate his programs across the United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. He has led over 1500 programs and educated over 15000 participants from over 50 countries. He leads programs and advisory sessions designed to teach participants to activate the truth in the areas of leadership communication, sales, negotiation, conflict resolution, customer service, candidate interviews, family conversations and public speaking/influential instruction.


In his book, “The Disciplined Listening Method”, Michael Reddington, CFI shares his methodology for unlocking the hidden value buried in all our personal and business conversations. The skills, perspectives and techniques he shares are designed to increase our understanding of ourselves, our appreciation for others rich experiences, and our ability to create new opportunities in our business and personal lives.